The Glossary below includes certain abbreviations and definitions of often used terms associated with the planning profession

B.L. - this usually refers to a building line on a layout or subdivision plan and defines an area along the boundary of the subject property within which no building structures will be permitted. Usually, the building line area (also described as a building restriction area) may be used for open air parking and landscaping.

Bulk - a colloquial description of the quantum of developable floor area that may be developed on a subject property in terms of the provisions of a statutory land use scheme. (i.e. the sum of the areas of all floors of a building on the subject property).

Coverage – a term typically defined in a land use scheme which describes the footprint of a building structure on a subject property, seen from directly above the subject property. In other words, the coverage is a percentage of the land area of the subject property, derived from calculating such area within the confines of the outer delineation of the footprint of all building structures on the subject property seen from directly above the subject property (i.e. a 40% coverage on a site of 1000m² will be 400m² of area covered by buildings).

CPD – Continued Professional Development

Density - in planning terms, this typically refers to the occupational density which may be permitted on a subject property, usually expressed as a number of dwelling units per hectare of land. As an example, a density of 20 units per hectare on an erf measuring 1000m² will translate into an effective 2 dwelling units that may be erected on the land in question.

DALRRD – Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development.  This Department is the custodian of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013 (SPLUMA) and the regulating authority of the planning profession.

EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment, a procedure contemplated in the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998) (NEMA), which procedure is employed to procure the authorisation of the relevant environmental authority (either provincial or national), to conduct a defined activity on a subject property as may be regulated in terms of the regulations to NEMA.

FAR/FSR - Floor Area Ratio or Floor Space Ratio. A ratio typically expressed as a numeric figure (i.e. 0.5) being a factor that may be multiplied with the land area of a subject property (usually in square metres), the product of which will define the gross floor area that may be erected on the subject property in terms of a land use scheme (also commonly referred to as "bulk or bulk factor"). As an example, the FAR of 0,5, when applied to a site of 1000m², will translate into a developable gross floor area of 500m².

General Plan – this is a SG Diagram reflecting multiple erven and streets or subdivided erven or farm portions on a single diagram (or a single set of diagrams).

GLA – in certain land use schemes this is defined as "gross leasable area" or "gross leasable floor area" or "gross lettable area". In other words, the area of the building capable of being the subject of a lease agreement between the lessor and the lessee. This will typically exclude non-leasable areas of the building (communal passageways, stairwells, entrance foyers, utility rooms, etc.). Usually, when GLA is part of a land use scheme, it is typically only relevant to the calculation of the required number of parking bays to be provided on a subject property.

IDP – Integrated Development Plan as contemplated in, inter alia, the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000). This is the operative "business plan" of the municipality indicating how it will spend its money (and where).  A spatial development framework illustrates the spatial implications of the IDP.

Line of No Access – the zoning maps which form part of a land use scheme may include a reference to a so-called "line of no access", denoting a line (usually along the perimeter boundary of the subject property) along which no access may be provided to the subject property from the external road system. Typically, such lines of no access apply to provincial and national roads and higher order roads within the municipal jurisdiction.

LUS – Land Use Scheme as defined in SPLUMA 2013 (similar to a town planning scheme).

NEMA – National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998)

Ordinance - may refer to the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), alternatively the Division of Land Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 20 of 1986)

PPA - Planning Professions Act, 2002 (Act 36 of 2002).

PI – Professional Indemnity Insurance

Rezoning – a colloquial description of the process of attending to the amendment of a land use scheme (or any of its provisions), to change the land use rights and development restrictions applicable to the subject property.

ROD – a Record of Decision as contemplated in NEMA, being the written decision handed down by an environmental authority, following an environmental impact assessment procedure (it may be positive or negative).

RORA - Removal of Restrictions Act. There are 2 versions namely:

• The National Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (applicable to all provinces other than Gauteng)
• Gauteng Removal of Restrictions Act, 1996 (Act 3 of 1996) (only applicable to Gauteng)

R.O.W – this is a servitude and refers to a "right of way". In other words, it regulates access over one property in favour of the next property (similar to a private roadway).

RPL – Recognition of Prior Learning. The principle of taking prior experimental learning into account, notwithstanding that a person may not hold an accredited tertiary qualification in the relevant field of endeavour.

SAACPP – South African Association of Consulting Professional Planners

SACPLAN – The South African Council for Planners instituted in terms of the Planning Professions Act, 2002 (Act 36 of 2002).

SAPI – South African Planning Institution

SDF – Spatial Development Framework as contemplated in SPLUMA, 2013 and the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000). A visual illustration of the forward looking policy of a municipality (its future desired state of development in its area of jurisdiction), being an extension of the municipal IDP.

SDP – a Site Development Plan. This is a plan typically defined in a land use scheme which holistically illustrates the intended development on a subject property, indicating the position of the proposed building structures to be erected, access provisions, the provision of parking, landscaping, the imposition of building lines, the position of servitudes and related features. An SDP typically precedes the submission of a building plan.

SPLUMA – Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013

Township establishment - an integrated process of converting a property registered as a farm portion(s) into urban land (a township or suburb) which may consist of subdivided erven/lots/stands and may include streets and public open spaces. Simultaneously, the properties situated within the ambit of the township will be afforded land use rights (zoning) to regulate and manage the use of land as approved by the decision-making authority.

Splay - this typically refers to the corner component of the intersection between two roads, with such corner "splayed" to accommodate the curvature of the actual road surface, aimed at negotiating the turning movement of motor vehicles moving from the one road to the other at such intersection.

Servitude – in planning terms, this typically refers to a part of the subject property over which an engineering service (water lines, electricity cables, sewage facilities, etc) are routed and where such services are protected by reference to a servitude diagram (depicting the area so affected). Typically, servitude areas may not be encroached upon by building structures and the details of such servitudes are typically described in a notarial deed of servitude registered in the office of the Registrar of Deeds.

SG diagram – a diagram approved by the Surveyor General in terms of the Land Survey Act, denoting the boundaries of a property or a servitude or other land area. This may include a General Plan of a township or a subdivided area where multiple erven or subdivided portions are reflected on one diagram.

Zoning Certificate - a certificate handed down by a municipality certifying that a subject property on its records is subject to a specific set of land use and development controls (zoning provisions). The certificate will typically confirm the land use zoning category under which the subject property is held, with due reference to development restrictions such as height limitations, coverage limitations, floor area limitations, parking requirements and the like.